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Category:AutodeskQ: How to specify a default object's unique id and a version number? I would like to provide a client side template and version in the js string to make a link look like this: Home But I would like to be able to specify something like the following code. window.location.href='#home?defaultVersion=3.12.12 and myClassName'" Can this be done? A: You can use urlParams for this. If you do not define a value for a given parameter it will be replaced by the parameter's default value. As a demo I have replaced the version by a random number. const version = '3.12.12'; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(); let hash = window.location.hash; // if there is a querystring in the url, use it if (hash.indexOf('?') > -1) { const [original] = hash.split('?'); // if there is no querystring, use the querystring of the url if (original === '') original =; const [queryString] = original.split('&'); // if there is no querystring, use the default value if (queryString === '') queryString = '?defaultVersion=' + version; // update the querystring part of the url with the new value urlParams.set('defaultVersion', version); urlParams.set(queryString, ''); hash = `${original}${urlParams.get('defaultVersion')}`; } // if we have the url, just create a new url with the old url and add the url parameters if (hash) { urlParams.set('defaultVersion', version); const newUrl = `${window.location.protocol}//${} be359ba680

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